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Indian Education for All Professional Development Workshop


Join us for an exciting presentation


Thursday, October 24, 2019

Presentation 1:30-3:00 and Q&A 3:00-3:30


Procrastinator Theater

Montana State University


Dr. Florence McGeshick Garcia (Assiniboine-Sioux)

Associate Dean, City College of MSU Billings


Native American Education:  Promoting Strength-Based Community

Native Americans are making significant gains in higher education,

yet still experience high levels of poverty and major health disparities. 

Because we come from strength-based cultural communities and have

learned to be resilient, we can create more opportunities for success. 

What does it mean to be resilient?  How can education promote a path

to healing?  Why is cultural identity important to living a healthy life? 

These topics and questions will be explored during this presentation.  



No RSVP is necessary but if you have questions contact:

Dr. Jioanna Carjuzaa at or at 994-4941