Jioanna Carjuzaa

Contact Information

417 Reid Hall
Montana State University
Bozeman, MT 59717-2880


Additional Information

Dr. Jioanna Carjuzaa earned a Ph.D. in Multicultural, Social and Bilingual Foundations of Education from the University of Colorado-Boulder. At Montana State University (MSU) she serves as the Executive Director of the Center for Bilingual and Multicultural Education.  She teaches undergraduate and graduate courses in Education,  Native American Studies, and for the International Programs Office. Jioanna is grateful to serve as the facilitator for Indian Education for All (IEFA) professional development opportunities for the MSU community and has hosted over 20 IEFA conferences/workshops.  As the faculty advisor for the Society of INdigenous Educators for Native students pursuing teaching careers, she collaborates with many state and local organizations to support student success. She is lead-author of Teaching in the Middle and Secondary Schools, Pearson's leading methodology textbook which is now in its 11th edition.  She is actively involved in the professional development of Class 7 Indigenous Language and Culture teachers across Montana. She was the recipient of the 2013 G. Pritchy Smith Multicultural Educator of the Year Award.  She was honored at the 2016 AIC MSU 41st Powwow and was also awarded the 2014-2016 Distinguished Professorship Award by the College of Education, Health and Human Development at MSU.


  • EDU 211D Multicultural Education
  • EDU 411 ESL: Teaching Culturally and Linguistically Diverse K-12 Students
  • EDU 511 Teaching Culturally and Linguistically Diverse K-12 Students
  • EDU 514  Culturally Responsive Pedagogy
  • EDLD 543 Social Justice in Education
  • EDLD 580 Indigenous Research Methods
  • EDLD 643 Leading for Social Justice
  • NASX 470 Indigenous Leadership
  • NASX 492 Powwow Fundraising and Leadership
  • NASX 554 Indian Education for All: Culturally Responsive Pedagogy in Practice
  • EDCI 580 Middle/Secondary Level Teaching and EFL Methodologies
  • EDCI 588 Teaching EFL/ESL to Adolescents: Second Language Acquisition Theory and Language Teaching Methodologies

Research and Scholarship

  • Multicultural Foundations of Education
  • Culturally Responsive Pedagogy
  • Teaching Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Students
  • Linguistic Diversity
  • Indigenous Language Revitalization
  • Indian Education for All