Entrepreneur Day 2006

Panel of Entrepreneurs from '05
Thursday, February 16, 2006 Strand Union Building #275
Come and learn how YOU can get a MINOR in Entrepreneurship & Small Business Management no matter what MAJOR you are in. Oh, and did we mention, you'll get FREE LUNCH too?
Entrepreneur Day is a day hosted by the MSU College of Business filled with informative sessions for students, budding entrepreneurs and established entrepreneurs. The day is broken into three sections.
The morning panel is geared toward students. A group of successful, young entrepreneurs will be discussing entrepreneurship as it relates to students. If you are a student and you attend the 9-10 meeting (see schedule of events below), you will receive a ticket for FREE LUNCH, where we will hear from Greg Gianforte, CEO of Right Now Technologies. Gianforte's presentation is titled, "Bootstrapping: how to start and grow a business with almost no money."
Following lunch and the keynote presentation, an afternoon panel of established entrepreneurs will host an informative discussion addressing topics of relevance to up-and-coming entrepreneurs.
The course work in the Entrepreneurship & Small Business Minor is integrated with research assignments in the Center for Entrepreneurship for the New West, housed in Tech Ranch. These programs offer students unique, potent, hands-on developmental experiences. Students provide research assistance to TechRanch clients and MSU scientists who are interested in the commercial potential of their science. Outside the College and its formal curriculum, outreach programs create a forum for various entrepreneurial groups and act as a catalyst for developing and strengthening businesses.
SCHEDULE OF EVENTS: 9 - 10 Explore the coursework and requirements needed to obtain a minor in Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management. All majors welcome (Coffee and doughnuts will be provided - All students attending this session will receive a ticket for lunch.)
10 - 12 Area high school students will participate in discussions with established young entrepreneurs.
12 pm Lunch, roundtable discussions and keynote session presented by Greg Gianforte of RightNow Technologies
1:15-3 Entrepreneurs and those with ideas for a new business will discuss issues, insights and concerns with a panel of established entrepreneurs.
The College of Business sincerely believes that the Alderson Program in Entrepreneurship can make a significant contribution to the economic development of the State and provides a framework for an outstanding educational experience for students. Within the College curriculum, entrepreneurship coursework is offered to students from any major in the University through a 30 credit-hour entrepreneurship minor.
*Entrepreneur Day is funded in-part by a grant from the US Small Business Administration (SBA). SBA's funding should not be construed as an endorsement of any products, opinions, or services. All SBA-funded projects are extended to the public on a non-discriminatory basis.