Montana State University Privacy of Student Records

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, a federal law that protects the confidentiality of a student's education record, and Montana state statutes, specify that the university may not

release information from a student's record to a third party without the express written consent of the student.

Education records covered by federal and state privacy laws include grades, housing information, financial status, results of disciplinary proceedings, class schedules and courses, etc. Health information maintained by the university, including medical and psychological records, is also protected under separate Montana statutes governing the release of health information.

Federal law does allow release of certain information referred to as “directory information.” This includes the student's full name, local address and phone number, dates of attendance and degrees honors, and certificates received, class level (e.g. freshman), and academic major(s). The student has the right to request the university not to release directory information by notifying the Registrar's Office in writing of this request. The University may also release information without the student's consent in connection with an emergency if necessary to protect the health or safety of the student or other individuals.

Veteran Services Release of Information

I have read and understand the above statement regarding Montana State University privacy of student records.

I authorize MSU Veteran Services to communicate with and release my university records to the

U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs and other University administrative offices as necessary to accurately process my VA education benefits while I am enrolled at Montana State University.



Release of Information to Third Party

(Use this for parental permission to access to GI Bill information)

I authorize MSU Veteran Services to communicate with and release my Veteran Services

records to

as necessary to accurately process my VA education

benefits while I am enrolled at Montana State University unless earlier revoked.




Information to be released: VA Timeline Finance Other:

